The REI Minority Business Center (MBC), operated by REI Oklahoma, provides professional business consulting services and other assistance to socially and economically disadvantaged business owners to manage, grow and expand their businesses. Assistance is available for all stages of business from start-up through expansion and includes services such as marketing assistance and business plan development.

The MBC provides business advisory services and other critical resources to create and sustain U.S. jobs by promoting the growth and global competitiveness of businesses owned and operated by disadvantaged entrepreneurs. We provide clients with technical access to capital, procurement assistance, business certification assistance and other opportunities to create new jobs. The Minority Business Center increases visibility and access for disadvantaged firms by partnering with multi-national corporations and government agencies to create jobs, build scale and capacity, increase revenues and to assist Oklahoma businesses expand regionally, nationally and internationally.

Most services provided by the Center are free. Additionally, the Minority Business Center offers assistance at no-cost for businesses seeking 8(a) certification with the federal government. For more information on the 8(a) certification process, please contact us at 800.658.2823.

Please see FAQ for more detailed information on how the REI Minority Business Center can help you and your specific needs. MBC clients will also have access to the other programs offered by REI Oklahoma.



REI Oklahoma does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Heidi McKnight, Human Resources, REI Oklahoma, 2912 Enterprise Dr., Durant, OK 74701, or (580)924-5094.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 - Oklahoma MBDA Business Center. All Rights Reserved. Site by GuRuStu

For more than 40 years, REI Oklahoma has helped Oklahomans build legacies they can pass down.


To better reflect everything we offer—and adapt to the evolving needs of our communities—we’re uniting all our programs under one clear brand: REI Oklahoma. The same trusted organization, now easier to navigate, with all our services in one place. Because when you knock, we open the door.


We invite you to explore what’s next—together. Launching April 2025.