What part of Oklahoma does the Minority Business Center serve?

The REI Minority Business Center serves all socially and economically disadvantaged businesses in all 77 Oklahoma counties.


Does the MBC issue grants?

No, the Minority Business Center does not issue any type of grants. The MBC is operated by REI Oklahoma. Any questions about grant opportunities should be referred to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).


What types of industries does REI Oklahoma and the Minority Business Center work with?

Any firm in any industry can seek assistance from any REI Oklahoma program.


How can I get certified as a socially and economically disadvantaged business owner?

There are several certifications that may be available for you and your business. Our staff can advise you based on your company’s particular situation. Please call us at 800.658.2823 or email us at info@reiok.org.


How do I access local, state and federal contract and procurement opportunities?

The MBC provides assistance in registering with local, state and federal agency portals to access bid solicitations tailored to your business.


How do I get a loan?

The Minority Business Center does not have a lending program. However, our host, REI Oklahoma, does and staff will connect you with a Loan Officer from our Business Lending program. Visit the Business Lending website for more information on this amazing resource.


I am an entrepreneur and think I want to start my own business. Where do I begin?

With the Minority Business Center and REI Oklahoma, you can receive one-on-one business consulting as well as attend business workshops. You will receive information on how to structure your business; what licenses and permits are needed and where these can be obtained; how to obtain a sales tax permit if one is needed; what is included in a business plan and assistance in writing one; what sources of financing are available for a small business and what should be done before approaching a lender; as well as what is involved in marketing your business. At these workshops there is the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and learn how they approached starting their business and pitfalls they encountered and overcame.


I have an existing business. What help can I expect from REI Minority Business Center?

Even if a business has been in existence for a few years or even several years, there are things to be gained from the technical assistance and workshops we offer. There have been entrepreneurs at workshops who listen to a topic and get new ideas or new motivation for doing something in a different way. There are workshops on QuickBooks®, e-commerce and social media and employee issues that are appropriate for existing businesses. Additionally, there is always the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and learn from each other.


Is there a fee for REI MBC services?

There are no membership fees to utilize the various services, trainings and resources offered through the REI Minority Business Center. In addition, assistance is also offered at no-cost for businesses seeking 8(a) certification with the federal government. For more information on the 8(a) certification process, please contact us at 800.658.2823 or email us at info@reiok.org.



REI Oklahoma does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Heidi McKnight, Human Resources, REI Oklahoma, 2912 Enterprise Dr., Durant, OK 74701, or (580)924-5094.

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 - Oklahoma MBDA Business Center. All Rights Reserved. Site by GuRuStu

For more than 40 years, REI Oklahoma has helped Oklahomans build legacies they can pass down.


To better reflect everything we offer—and adapt to the evolving needs of our communities—we’re uniting all our programs under one clear brand: REI Oklahoma. The same trusted organization, now easier to navigate, with all our services in one place. Because when you knock, we open the door.


We invite you to explore what’s next—together. Launching April 2025.